I am a Machine Learning Engineer at Bastian Solutions, a Toyota Advanced Logistics company. I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Kentucky, under the supervision of Dr. Nathan Jacobs in March 2023. My research focuses on deep learning and computer vision, specifically on domain adaptation and multi-modal data modeling.

I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Northeastern University, China in June 2017.

I enjoy hiking and music.

Recent News

  • 03/2023: Started a new job in Boise, Idaho!
  • 02/2023: Successfully defended my PhD!
  • 05/2022: Start the summer internship at Siemens Healtineers.
  • 03/2022: One paper of astrophysics got accepted to MNRAS.
  • 01/2022: One paper of medical imaging got accepted to ISBI.
  • 10/2021: One paper got accepted to BMVC 2021!
  • 09/2021: One paper got accepted to IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
  • 04/2021: One paper got accepted to CVPR NTIRE Workshop.